CE Courses for Dental Hygienists

Specialized programs to advance your profession, assist you in treating patients and expanding your business.

156 - Drugs Used in Dentistry, Analgesics
4 Credits $80

We usually do not use an excessive amount of analgesics in dentistry unless we are doing difficult extractions or....

155 - Drugs Used in Dentistry Antibiotics
8 Credits $160

This course will not be all inclusive, rather we will only explore the antibiotics we commonly use in dentistry.....

154 - Sticky Bone the Miracle
3 Credits $60

Autologous Fibrin Glue (AFG) comes from centrifuge blood. When the AFG is mixed with bone particles it becomes sticky....

153 - Periodontitis – Periimplantitis
6 Credits $120

Periodontitis (teeth) or Periimplantitis (implants) occurs when tissue and bone recedes leaving a gully behind. This will occur in....

152 - Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis
2 Credits $40

The disease has been with us for some time. It is not contagious. It became extremely apparent during World....

149 - Lasers Less Effective than SRP
4 Credits $80

Research has shown lasers are less effective in treating periodontal disease than Scaling and Root Planning. This should not....

148 - Platelet Rich Fibrin and Periodontal Disease
3 Credits $60

We can now regrow bone and tissue to cure periodontal disease using Platelet Rich Fibrin. PRF has become the....

147 - Sinus Bone Graft
3 Credits $60

What do you do when you want to place an implant restoration in the maxillary posterior area and there....

146 - Lidocaine Reaction
3 Credits $60

We use lidocaine in our practice every day, but are we ready for the emergencies that arise from its....

145 - Membrane
4 Credits $80

The introduction of membranes into the field of dentistry has allowed us to regrow alveolar bone and to increase....

144 - Apicoectomy
3 Credits $60

This is the process of removing the apical portion of the root to remove a periapical cyst, correct a....

143 - Bone Regeneration
3 Credits $60

When you extract teeth, you will lose anywhere from 30 to 60 percent of the bone regeneration if you....

142 - Spacers
2 Credits $40

Children lose their deciduous teeth before their permanent teeth erupt. When should you place a spacer to hold the....

141 - Orthodontics Straight Wire
3 Credits $60

This course is geared towards the general dentist contemplating developing orthodontics into his practice and those who already have....

140 - Caries and Salvia
3 Credits $60

Caries is a modern disease that attacks our teeth. We know the bacteria that causes it. Why don’t we....

139 - Porphyromanas Gingivalis Bacteria
3 Credits $60

Porphyromonas Gingivalis bacteria found in the periodontal pockets may be responsible for a host of systemic diseases in the....

137 - Clenching Leads to Bone Loss
3 Credits $60

In this course you will learn what causes the alveolar bone to recede around our teeth, and techniques to....

136 - Inflammation
3 Credits $60

In this course you will learn what causes inflammation in the gingival tissues. What is causing the alveolar bone....

135 - The New Periodontal Disease
4 Credits $80

In this course we will review the current dental literature relating to Periodontal Disease and delve into other possible....

134 - Tooth Infection Leads to Brain Abscess
3 Credits $60

This course will identify a tooth abscess and show how the infection can lead to a brain infection and....

133 - Assistants Review
3 Credits $60

The object of this course is to give the dental assistant a review of dental procedures she or he....

132 - Cancer of the Mouth
3 Credits $60

Early diagnosis of cancer leads to early treatment and may save the life of your patient. This course....

131 - Dental Management of the Hyperactive Patient
3 Credits $60

This course will give you several methods of handling the hyperactive patient. The reason for the patient being hyperactive....

130 - Dental Practice Management
2 Credits $40

Most of us coming out of dental school have not had any training in operating a dental office. We....

129 - Partial Denture
3 Credits $60

The partial denture has its place to play in the health of the dental patient. We will be going....

128 - Irreversible Pulpitis
3 Credits $60

This is probably the most misdiagnosis treatment in dentistry. How many teeth have been opened and drained to....

127 - Diagnosis Periodontal Disease
3 Credits $60

Periodontal disease is not being treated in most offices. Yes, we do root planning and prophylaxis. Even this....

126 - Diagnose Patient Treatment
3 Credits $60

This course will give you a good background on diagnosing dental treatment. It will not go into the various....

125 - Implant Crown and Screw Failures
4 Credits $80

You need to know how to place crowns over the implant. This is a huge production item. This....

124 - The Horseshoe Bridge
6 Credits $120

This is the process of taking a porcelain to metal bridge from one side of the mouth to the....

123 - Bridges “Do We Still Need Them?”
6 Credits $120

With the advent of implants the need for bridges has diminished to some degree. We can replace missing alveolar....

122 - Toothbrushing Biofilm Removal
3 Credits $60

This course will analyze the various tooth brushing techniques giving a critique of each technique. The main objective of....

121 - Hygienist in Your Practice
2 Credits $40

Most offices do not integrate the Hygienist into the practice properly losing out on valued production and not treating....

120 - Dental Practice Act
5 Credits $100

The information in this course is taken from the Dental Practice Act found in the Business & Professions....

119 - Clenching and How it Relates to Periodontal Disease
2 Credits $40

We are not curing periodontal disease. The same patients keep coming back with recurring periodontal pockets. We treat them,....

118 - Clenching the Periodontal Problem
2 Credits $40

This course will be discussing the relationship of clenching to periodontal disease. Clenching leads to the destruction of....

117 - Infection Control
5 Credits $100

This course is mainly concerned with dental health care personnel exposure to pathogenic microorganisms. These organisms include HIV, HBV,....

116 - Do We Still Do Amalgam Fillings?
4 Credits $80

We have been using amalgam filling for well over one hundred and fifty years. It is the strongest....

115 - Perio Concept
3 Credits $60

This course will bring the periodontal concept together. What are the objectives and how do we get there?....

114 - Endodontic Irrigate - Sodium Hypochlorite
2 Credits $40

In this course we will be evaluating the irrigate sodium hypochlorite. What does it do? What are it....

113 - Irrigate: Root Canal Therapy
3 Credits $60

This course will compare and evaluate the presently used irrigates in root canal therapy. Their weakness and side....

112 - Gingival Curettage What Happened?
2 Credits $40

Gingival Curettage is the removal of the nonkeratinized epithelium in the periodontal pocket, with a curette leaving behind....

111 - The Extended Denture
6 Credits $120

The purpose of this article is to give a practical way of making a full extended maxillary and....

110 - The Painless Injection
2 Credits $40

I have been using the painless injection over a span of fifty years. This is giving an injection without....

109 - Hypnosis in Dentistry
4 Credits $80

This course will give you a working knowledge of hypnosis. You will learn a few induction techniques, be....

108 - Herpes Simplex Virus
3 Credits $60

There are over eighty different types of viruses, but this course will include only those listed below. Many....

107 - Dental Gems
6 Credits $120

It has been said: If you can take home one thing that you can use in your practice after....

106 - Extractions and Emergencies
4 Credits $80

In this course you will learn how to treat a surgical emergency, and more importantly learn how to prevent....

105 - Children’s Dentistry
8 Credits $160

Treating children can be very rewarding and a great deal of fun. This course will give you some....

104 - Dental Emergencies
6 Credits $120

This course will deal with emergency patients who enter your office. This will include how to diagnosis and....

103 - Clenching vs. Dental Treatment
2 Credits $40

This course will make you aware of the clenching as it pertains to dental treatment. If we do....

102 - Biological Width vs. Clenching
2 Credits $40

Biological width is misdiagnosed on a regular basis when all of the information available is not carefully evaluated.....

101 - Biofilm, The Slime  
3 Credits $60

The main objective of this course is to give you a new way of looking at dentistry. We become....