108 - Herpes Simplex Virus

There are over eighty different types of viruses, but this course will include only those listed below. Many of these viruses originate in the mouth and then spread to other parts of the body. Between eighty to ninety percent of the population has type 1 Herpes Simplex virus in their body. Upon completion of this course you will have a better understanding what herpes simplex is and how to better diagnosis it. You will also know the difference between a herpes infection and a canker sore.


Herpes type one (the kissing virus) is at least 2000 years old, but the origin is unknown. It was recorded in the Greek literature by Hippocrates (460 to 370 BCE) describing a skin disease that seemed to creep along the skin. Herpes means ‘creep’ in Greek.

A Roman physician by the name of Herodotus described an eruption of cold sores on the lips around AD100. Later, Roman Emperor Tiberius outlawed kissing at ceremonies and public rituals to curb the epidemic of mouth herpes. A....