105 - Children’s Dentistry

Treating children can be very rewarding and a great deal of fun. This course will give you some methods of handling children. It will also include the painless injection, a must when you are treating children.

Children respond to us. If you enter the operatory with a dreading demeanor, you can count on the child not cooperating. If you are having a bad day, it is best to reschedule the child. When you treat children, you are forming their future behavior as patients. There is never a call to be rough with children.

Children like to be entertained. They respond well if they think you are playing with them. Of course, this is very hard to do with the child’s parents in the operatory. In fact, it is very hard to do dentistry when someone else is in the operatory watching your every move.

You have several problems with the parent in the operatory. The child has responded to the parent all of his life. Now for you to communicate....