148 - Platelet Rich Fibrin and Periodontal Disease

We can now regrow bone and tissue to cure periodontal disease using Platelet Rich Fibrin. PRF has become the magic bullet to repair damage to alveolar bone and tissue.

Tooth abrasion and clenching are the two major causes of alveolar bone loss around our teeth. When pressure is applied, alveolar bone dissolves. Therefore, before alveolar bone can be regrown, the cause of the loss needs to be addressed.

Tooth Abrasion:

In the case of the class V abrasion it is simply ceasing to brush your teeth in a horizontal fashion. Using hard toothbrushes, the tooth and alveolar bone surfaces are worn away leaving a gap.

Pinhole Method:


This has been handled successful by the Pinhole people. A hole is made in the tissue above the mucocutaneous junction allowing instruments to be pushed under the gingival tissues loosening them. The loose gingival tissues are pushed incisally to cover the gap.

Then collagen strips are pushed through the tissue hole and incisally to hold the gingival....