This course will analyze the various tooth brushing techniques giving a critique of each technique. The main objective of a technique is to remove the biofilm from the teeth and soft tissues before they form a plaque, and to repair the damage the tissues (periodontitis) have undergone due to our clenching habits.
Biofilm begins to form almost immediately after we brush our teeth. It would be almost impossible to prevent this from happening. Therefore, our main objective will be to prevent the biofilm from developing into an acid producing plaque.
Biofilm (Plaque)
Biofilm is slime.They find it on the rocks in mountain streams. The water flowing over the rocks are almost totally void of bacteria, but the slime on the rocks are flowing with it. Biofilm is a community of bacteria that have learned to function together. They establish a network of communication and cooperate with each other to survive.
Biofilm (plaque) begins to form on teeth a few minutes after the teeth have been polished with a fluoride paste. Bacteria will begin to....